You'll learn how to create business variables and a business space for the pre-built loan processing composite business service in WebSphere Business Services Fabric ( hereafter called Fabric). 您将了解到如何在WebSphereBusinessServicesFabric(此后简称为Fabric)中,为预构建的贷款处理复合业务服务创建业务变量和业务空间。
Here, the service can be re-used as a single point of access for a recurrent business function, such as loan processing services for different customer types or a payment processing service. 在这种类型中,可以将服务作为重复使用的业务功能的单一访问点进行重用,如针对不同类型的客户的贷款服务或支付处理服务。
A hybrid service router ( which is used for Process Loan 3) is one in which parts of the connection are hardwired due to legacy constraints, while other parts are enabled for flexible invocation through services in SOA. 混合服务路由器(用于贷款流程3)的一部分连接是硬编码连接(由于遗留约束),而其他部分则支持通过SOA中的服务灵活调用。
Approving a loan or an insurance policy and assessing a fraud are also decision services. 批准一项贷款或一个保险单以及评估是否存在骗保行为也属于决策服务。
To offer enterprise loan, second-hand house loan, Suzhou loan, supply loan and financing services. 提供企业贷款、二手房贷款、苏州贷款、供应贷款、融资服务。
Proceeds from rental of property of loan of services; 出租财产或提供服务所得收益;
The project, which is financed through a loan from the InterAmerican Development Bank, is for the rehabilitation and expansion of water services in this coastal metropolis. 该项目由美洲间发展银行提供贷款资助,目的是为了恢复与扩展该沿岸城市的供水服务。
Based on the experience of HSBC's SME Loan services, how likely would you be to recommend the services to your relatives, friends or business partners? 根据贵公司使用汇丰银行中小企贷款计划的经验,请问贵公司向朋友或生意夥伴推荐选用汇丰银行的服务的可能性有多大?
The bank will expand loan services to these companies which engage in processing trade or contract projects in foreign countries. 该银行将加大信贷资助的服务对象包括那些在国外从事加工贸易和合同项目的中国公司。
The museum's loan services such as travelling exhibitions, videos and slide packs were frequently used by schools and non-profit making organisations. 此外,博物馆的外借设施如巡回展览、录影带及幻灯片等,也经常为学校和非牟利团体所借用。
Now is a great time to take advantage of home loan financial services and resources available online. 现在是一个伟大的时间,以利用房贷的金融服务和资源,可以在网上获得。
So now, you know how you can avoid your immediate financial crisis by availing fast payday loan services. 因此,现在你知道你怎样才能避免你的眼前的财务危机所利用快速垫款贷款服务。
The loan was to finance Petrobras investments as well as "the purchase of goods and services from Chinese companies", according to Petrobras. 巴西国家石油公司当时表示,这笔贷款将用于投资,以及“向中国企业购买商品和服务”。
We were so excited to be approved for a loan, having just come out of Consumer Credit Counseling Services that we jumped at the first house we found that met our minimum requirements. 我们在信用点数够贷款时真是太兴奋了,在碰到能满足最低需要的第一栋房子时就买了下来。
Interlibrary Loan Services Model of College and University Libraries in the Network Environment in Hainan Province 海南省高校图书馆网络环境下的馆际互借服务模式
The only way to resolve the conflicts is literature resources collaborative procurement and interlibrary loan services. 而解决这一矛盾的有效途径是文献资源协作采购,开展馆际互借。
Loan service for small-sized enterprises provided by the banks is an innovated business, which can gain beneficial results for two resolved parties, based on traditional banking services, considering China's present situation and banking reality. 银行开展小企业贷款服务,是一项从当前我国国情及银行业实际情况出发,在银行传统业务基础上加以创新,完全可以实现双赢的业务。
This paper introduces some ways to obtain the full text of doctoral dissertations and master's theses through web databases or interlibrary loan& document delivery services. 文章介绍了通过网络数据库及馆际互借与文献传递方式获取国内外学位论文全文的途径。
Housing reverse mortgage loan system has been perfect developed in abroad and has been very successful experienced, a more personalized financial services products. 住房反向抵押贷款制度在国外发展的相当完善并已经取得非常成功的经验,是一种比较人性化的金融服务产品。
The competition between banks is getting intense, and traditional deposit and loan business profit becomes more and more low. In order to seek the new profit growth point, Banks turn from traditional to modern financial services. 同时,银行传统的存贷业务利润越来越低,为了寻求新的利润增长点,银行必须从传统的金融服务向现代金融服务转变。
Microfinance is a special form of credit to provide direct loan capital and the comprehensive technology services to poverty-stricken population in a certain region, according to specific objectives and particular institutional arrangements. 小额信贷(microfinance)是在一定区域内,在特定的制度安排下,按特定的目标向贫困人口直接提供贷款资金及综合技术服务的一种特殊的信贷方式。
Moreover, relaxing of market access, increasing the competition of the rural financial market, and broadening the scope of collateral can help narrow the gap of farmers 'loan demand and improve the level of rural financial services. 此外,放宽市场准入,增加农村金融市场的竞争性,并拓宽抵押范围,有助于缩小农户贷款需求缺口,提高农村金融服务水平。
Individual housing consumer credit are loan services which provided by banks and other financial institutions to meet the needs of the residents to purchase a home, it is the inevitable choice that help socio-economic development and the banking and financial development. 个人住房消费信贷是银行等金融机构为满足居民购买住房的需求而提供的贷款服务,它是社会经济发展和银行金融发展的必然选择。
The loan shoppers have access to all the loan products and services of other Banks hence quickening product selection and decision making. 贷款者可以访问其他银行提供的所有贷款产品和服务,从而加快他们的选择和决策过程。
Student information management system is a curriculum, class management, collection of archives, achievement, loan management, rewards and punishment, scholarship, join the case management, family management and other services as one integrated business management software. 学生信息管理系统是课程、班级管理、集档案资料、成绩、贷款管理、奖惩、奖学金、入党情况管理、家庭情况管理等服务项目为一体的综合性业务管理软件。
Providing simple and quick loan services for farmers is key issues on impacting rural economy and social development. 能否为广大农民提供简单快捷的贷款服务,是当前影响农村经济和社会发展的关键性问题。
Making use of practical cases and data, this paper introduces the loan services scheme for small micro enterprises in Zhuhai branch of ICBC in detail. It is introduced in the following four aspects: scheme target, scheme principle, scheme content, and risk control. 文中利用实际案例和数据详细介绍工行珠海分行小微企业金融服务方案的主要内容,主要通过四个方面进行阐述:方案目标、方案原则、方案内容、风险控制。